What is TDS [टी.डी.एस क्या है]
TDS Refund किसे कहते है
TDS Entry in Tally
मान लीजिये आपकी एक Company है XYZ और आपके यहा Ram नाम का Agent Commission पर कार्य करता है तथा उसने Company की 25000 की Lottery Ticket Sale की है और हमे उसका Payment 10% TDS काट कर करना है तो हम इस Entry को इस प्रकार से करेंगे :-
Tax Assessment Number – Enter the Tax Assessment Number (TAN) in this field. TAN Number is a Ten digit Alphanumeric number, issued by Income Tax Department to the Deductors.
Income Tax Circle/Ward – Fill Income Tax Department issues Income Tax Circle/Ward in this field.
Deductor Type – This is depending on your organization like- Government or others
Name of Person responsible – In this field enter authorized person responsible to file TDS return of your company.
Designation – In this field enter the designation of the Authorised person.
PAN No. – In this field enter PAN Number of Authorised person and fill all details given in box.
TDS Entry Ledger Creation
1. Party Name – Ram
1. Name – Commission on Sale of Lottery Ticket
1. Name – TDS Commission on Sale of Lottery Ticket
1. Dr. – Commission on Sale of Lottery Ticket – 25000