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Job Oriented Advance Excel Course in Indira Nagar Lucknow|Excellent Computer Education


Advance Excel Training Center in Indira Nagar Lucknow|Best Institute
in Advance Excel Training in Lucknow|Advance Excel Training Academy in Indira
Nagar, Lucknow|Excel Course in Indira Nagar, Lucknow


Excellent Computer Education, Indira Nagar, Lucknow
Mob: 9795720993

 Advance Excel Course in Indira Nagar Lucknow

Advance Excel Courses in Indira Nagar Lucknow– Excellent Computer Education, Indira Nagar, Lucknow offers an Advanced Excel Training course for MNC Jobs that covers the following topics:

Excellent Computer Education, Indira Nagar, Lucknow offers an Advanced Excel Training course for MNC Jobs that covers the following topics:

  • Formulas and Functions (Vlookup, Hlookup, Xlookup and more Advance Formulas)
  • Data Validation
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Pivot Tables
  • Charts and Graphs
  • VBA Macros
  • Power Query
  • Dashboards etc.

The course is taught by experienced instructors who use a practical, hands-on approach. Students will learn how to use Excel to analyze data, create reports, and automate tasks.

The course is offered in a variety of formats, including  classroom, online, and corporate training. The classroom course is held at Excellent Computer Education’s training center in Indira Nagar Lucknow. The online course can be taken from anywhere in the world. The corporate training course can be customized to the specific needs of your organization.

To learn more about the Advanced Excel Training course at Excellent Computer Education, please visit their website ( or contact them at 097957 20993.


Here are some of the benefits of taking the Advanced Excel Training course at Excellent Computer Education:-

Advance Excel Course in Indira Nagar Lucknow
  • Learn from experienced instructors
  • Gain practical skills in Excel
  • Create reports and dashboards
  • Automate tasks with VBA macros
  • Improve your job prospects

If you are looking to improve your Excel skills, the Advanced Excel Training course at Excellent Computer Education is a great option. The course is well-designed and taught by experienced instructors. You will learn
how to use Excel to analyze data, create reports, and automate tasks. This will  make you more marketable to employers and help you advance your career.

Excellent Computer Education offers an Advanced Excel course that covers a wide range of topics, including:-

  • Working with data types
  • Creating and using formulas and functions
  • Building and formatting charts and tables
  • Automating tasks with macros
  • Creating pivot tables and reports
  • Importing and exporting data
  • Using Excel with other Microsoft Office applications

The course is taught by experienced instructors who use a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises. Students will also have access to online resources, such as tutorials and practice exercises.

The Advanced Excel course at Excellent Computer Education is a great way to learn the skills you need to use Excel effectively in your work or studies. The course is designed to be challenging but rewarding, and  students will walk away with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful.

Here are some of the benefits of taking the Advanced Excel course at Excellent Computer Education

Advance Excel Course in Indira Nagar Lucknow
  • You will learn the advanced features of Excel that are essential for today’s workplace.
  • You will be able to create more complex and sophisticated spreadsheets.
  • You will be able to automate tasks and save time.
  • You will be able to analyze data more effectively and make better decisions.
  • You will be able to create professional-looking reports and presentations.


If you are interested in learning more about the Advanced Excel course at Excellent Computer Education, please visit their website or contact them directly.

Here are some additional details about the course

Training Duration: 4 weeks (1 Hour Daily)

Timing: 9am to 8pm, Monday to Saturday

Cost: ₹ 2,000


Job Opportunities after Learning Advance Excel Course   :-

There are many job opportunities available after learning an advanced Excel course. Here are some of the most in-demand jobs:

  • Data analyst
  • Financial analyst
  • Business intelligence analyst
  • Accountant
  • Project manager
  • Operations manager
  • Office manager
  • Teacher
  • Freelance consultant

These jobs all require strong Excel skills, as well as knowledge of other data analysis and business software. With advanced Excel skills, you can be a valuable asset to any organization.


Contact us

Excellent Computer Education

UG-10, Goel Palace, Near Lekhraj Metro Station,

Indira  Nagar, Lucknow-226016

Mob : 9795720993

Email :

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Excellent Computer Education Indira Nagar Provide Job Oriented Computer Training Online and Offline both very low price. 

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